Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Why I Love Being On A Budget" Handout

Why I Love Being On A Budget!
By: Amy Gruetzmacher

I. Amy’s story
II. Managing our money as parents

*You cannot learn what you have not already mastered.

What the Bible says about debt:
* Proverbs 6:1-5
* Proverbs 21:5

Baby steps (Dave Ramsey style…)
1. $1000.00 in an Emergency Fund

2. Pay off all debt utilizing the “debt snowball” principle

3. 3-6 months expenses in savings

4. Invest 15% of all household income into Roth IRAs and pre-tax retirement

5. College funding

6. Pay off home early

7. Build wealth!

Bottom line: Spend less than you make.

III. Teaching money management to our children
* Our responsibility as parents is to teach our children to be wise stewards with their money.
Parents Magazine, August 2007 – “Show Them the Money”

Lessons to teach your children:

1. Money Takes work

2. Shop carefully

3. Stick to a budget

4. Cards are for convenience

5. It’s smart to save

6. God commands us to give.

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